OPAnderson USA image
OPAnderson USA image
27.11.2017 - 11:06

Altia introduces O.P. Anderson Aquavit to the US market

Altia has partnered with Frederick Wildman and Sons to introduce the Swedish aquavit classic O.P. Anderson to the US market. O.P. Anderson Original will be launched in the USA in the beginning of 2018.

“We are excited to introduce O.P. Anderson to the US market. There is a growing interest in aquavits in the cocktail scene right now, which makes this modern classic very contemporary,” says Janne Halttunen, Senior Vice President in charge of exports at Altia. “Distribution will be built starting in the east coast with focus in the on-premise market.”

“The addition of O.P. Anderson Aquavit to Wildman spirits portfolio will certainly bring much enthusiasm to the marketplace,” says Tim Master, Director of Specialty Spirits Division, Frederick Wildman and Sons. “The trend throughout the US continues to move toward niche quality spirits, and bartenders and enthusiasts are embracing them wholeheartedly.”

The tradition of adding herbs in spirits started out in herbal medicine and came to Sweden in the 16th century. People began to drink this spiced aquavit for non-medical reasons and the foundation was made for a tasty Swedish tradition. In 1891, Carl August Anderson launched his own aquavit version, named it O.P. Anderson after his father, and seasoned it with caraway, aniseed and fennel, and matured in oak barrels for eight months. This is one of the oldest aquavits on the Swedish market and it is still one of the most popular. Since 2002, O.P. Anderson has been made from all organic ingredients.

About Frederick Wildman and Sons

Importers of fine wines and spirits since 1934, the familiar Frederick Wildman and Sons, Ltd., oval is found on every bottle sold and is recognized around the world as a symbol of quality assurance. www.frederickwildman.com

About Altia

Altia is a leading wine and spirits company offering quality brands in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Altia produces, markets, sells, imports and exports wines and spirits. Sustainability is an essential business factor for Altia. The company wants to enhance a modern, responsible Nordic drinking culture. Altia’s own brands include Koskenkorva Vodka, O.P. Anderson Aquavit, Larsen Cognac, Renault Cognac, Valhalla Herb Liqueur, Xanté Cognac & Pear Liqueur, Blossa Glögg and Chill Out Wines. www.altiagroup.com

Further information:

Altia Plc, Janne Halttunen, SVP Exports, tel. +358 40 187 4407, janne.halttunen@altiagroup.com

Altia Plc, Niina Ala-Luopa, Communications Manager, tel. +358 400 728957, niina.ala-luopa@altiagroup.com