Composition of Anora’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board
Anora Group Plc Stock Exchange Release 13 September 2022 at 4:15 pm EET
Composition of Anora’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board
Anora Group Plc’s three largest shareholders have nominated the following representatives to the Shareholders’ Nomination Board:
Stein Erik Hagen, Canica AS
Petter Söderström, Solidium Oy
Anne Lise E. Gryte, Geveran Trading Co. Limited
In its organising meeting on 13 September 2022 the Nomination Board has elected Stein Erik Hagen as its Chairman. Michael Holm Johansen and Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae, Chairman and Vice Chairman of Anora’s Board of Directors, act as expert members in the Nomination Board.
The members of the Nomination Board shall represent Anora's three largest shareholders who represent the largest number of votes of all shares in the company on the first banking day of June each year.
The Shareholders’ Nomination Board prepares and presents to the General Meeting of Shareholders its proposals concerning the number of the members and the composition of the Board as well as the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors. The Nomination Board will submit its proposals to the Board of Directors at the latest on 31 January 2023.
The duties and the composition of the Nomination Board are presented in more detail on Anora’s website at:
Further information:
Michael Holm Johansen, Chairman of Anora’s Board of Directors
Tua Stenius-Örnhjelm, Investor Relations, tel. +358 40 748 8864
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