Anora - Contact us hero image - people dining by water
Anora - Contact us hero image - people dining by water

Contact us

Here you can find the contact information for Anora Group as well as contact details for our local customer service, sales offices and production sites in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Germany and France.

Anora Group

Switchboard: +358 207 013 013 Postal address: P.O. Box 350, FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland Street address: Kaapeliaukio 1, FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland Emails: firstname.lastname@anora.com

Media & Investor relations

Inka Vettenranta, Communications Director Tel. +358 50 339 4980 Email: inka.vettenranta@anora.com

Milena Hæggström, Investor Relations Director Tel. +358 40 5581 328 Email: milena.haeggstrom@anora.com


Anora sales and marketing

Phone: +46 8 557 790 00 Postal address: P.O. Box 7471, 103 92 Stockholm, Sweden Street address: Birger Jarlsgatan 43 (4th floor), 111 45 Stockholm, Sweden

Vingruppen i Norden AB​

Phone: +46 (0)8 585 23 600 Postal address: P.O. Box 7471, 103 92 Stockholm, Sweden Street address: Birger Jarlsgatan 43 (4th floor), 111 45 Stockholm, Sweden Email: info@vingruppen.se

Anora logistics

Phone: +46 8 450 47 00 Postal address: P.O. Box 2021, 196 37 Kungsängen, Sweden Address: Garpebodavägen 4, 196 37 Kungsängen, Sweden

Customer service



Anora sales and marketing

Switchboard: +47 67 065 000​ Postal address: P.O. Box 64, 1483 Hagan, Norway​ Street address: Destilleriveien 11, 1481 Hagan, Norway​

Vectura AS​

Phone: +47 67 06 50 00​ Customer center: +47 67 06 51 60​ Postal address: P.O. Box 64, 1483 Hagan, Norway​ Street address: Destilleriveien 11, 1481 Hagan, Norway​ kundesenter@vectura.no

For more information visit Vectura's website.

Vingruppen AS

Phone: + 47 67 06 50 00 / +47 913 25 220 Address: Destilleriveien 11, Hagan, Norway kundeservice@vingruppen.no

Customer service

Phone: + 47 67 065 000 kundekontakt@anora.com Phone: +47 924 31 399 (10.00-16.00) horeca@anora.com


Sales and marketing

Phone: +358 207 013 013 Postal address: P.O. Box 350, FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland Street address: Kaapeliaukio 1, FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland

More contact details for on-trade sales and marketing can be found here (site in Finnish).

Vingruppen (Wennerco Oy, Wineworld Oy, Vinunic Oy, Social Wines Oy, Vinum Oy)

Anne Kadenius, MD, Vingruppen Finland Puh: +358 40 718 2830 Street address: Kaapeliaukio 1, FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland​

Koskenkorva Plant

Phone: +358 207 013 013 Address: Santavuorentie 11, FI-61330 Koskenkorva, Finland

Rajamäki Alcoholic Beverage Plant & Logistics

Phone: +358 207 013 013 Address: Valta-akseli 2, FI-05200 Rajamäki, Finland Email: asiakaspalvelu@anora.com

Anora Industrial Products, Rajamäki Ethanol Plant

Phone: +358 207 013 648 Address: Valta-akseli 9, FI-05200 Rajamäki, Finland Email: anoraindustrial@anora.com

More contact details can be on Anora Industrial's website.

Customer service



Anora Denmark Spirits / Det Danske Spiritus Kompagni A/S

Phone: +45 352 62 222 Address: Borgergade 24 B, 1. floor, 1300 Copenhagen Customer service: info@ddskas.dk

Globus Wine

Address: Bragesvej 1, Køge Customer service: (+45) 43 43 43 74 or via contact form

For more information visit Globus Wine's website.


Sales and marketing

Phone: +372 671 2000 Address: Tammi Tee 30, Laabi Küla, Harku Vald, EE-76901 Harjumaa, Estonia

Tabasalu plant and logistics

Phone: +372 671 2000 Address: Tammi Tee 30, Laabi Küla, Harku Vald, EE-76901 Harjumaa, Estonia

Customer service



Sales and marketing

Phone: +371 6762 8895 Address: Malduguņu iela 4, Mārupe, Mārupes novads, LV-2167, Latvia (building B, 4th floor)

Customer Service



Anora Germany GmbH

c/o KESSLER Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH Martinistraße 57 28195 Bremen


Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH Phone: +49 8246 9200 kontakt@diversa-spez.de

For more information visit Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH's website.