Koskenkorva Altia
Koskenkorva Altia
03.09.2020 - 15:04

Investment at Altia’s Koskenkorva plant has cut carbon dioxide emissions by 1,000 tonnes in three months

A new fuel silo commissioned at the Koskenkorva plant enables the use of oat hulls as biofuel, further increasing the share of renewable energy in the plant’s energy production. At an annual level, the investment can help achieve a 20 per cent decrease in carbon dioxide emissions, which takes Altia one step closer to its target of carbon-neutral production by 2025.

The new fuel silo that was taken into use in April at Altia’s Koskenkorva plant has decreased fossil fuel emissions from the plant by 1,000 tonnes in only three months. This corresponds to the average annual carbon dioxide emissions of over 90 Finns. At an annual level, the new investment can achieve a 15–20 per cent decrease in carbon dioxide emissions when compared to actual emissions from 2018. This takes Altia one step closer to its target of making its own production carbon-neutral by 2025.

With the new fuel silo, the leftover oat hulls from the feed produced in the plant area can be continuously utilised as fuel at the Koskenkorva plant’s own bioenergy power plant. As the fuel comes from the plant area, emissions generated by transportation are also decreased. During the best months, over 70 per cent of the fuel required for the steam production in the plant area is renewable energy.

“I’m very proud of the new investment, which is another great step towards circular economy at the Koskenkorva plant. Our team at the plant has done a great job with installing, commissioning and operating the silo. We believe that the investment will pay for itself already this year, which is excellent proof of the fact that investing in sustainable solutions pays off,” says Koskenkorva Plant Manager Miika Jokinen.

The investment project was executed in close cooperation with Suomen Teollisuuden Energiapalvelut STEP that operates the power plants in the Koskenkorva plant area.

The operations of Altia’s Koskenkorva plant are based on the bioeconomy and the circular economy. In addition to grain spirit, the plant produces several side streams, such as starch utilised in the paper and food industry and raw material for animal feed. A wide product range enables exceptional material efficiency at the Koskenkorva plant. The barley hulls, which would not otherwise be used in the plant’s production, are incinerated at the plant’s own bioenergy power plant producing steam energy for the distillery’s needs. Even the carbon dioxide generated in the fermentation process is recovered and used in greenhouse cultivation, for example, and the ash generated at the bioenergy power plant is used as fertiliser on the fields.

The bioenergy power plant is the first of its kind in Finland in terms of its technology and fuel application. Thanks to the bioenergy power plant and renewable energy, the carbon dioxide emissions from the Koskenkorva plant have decreased by approximately 50 per cent since 2014. The plant’s fuel self-sufficiency in the production of steam energy is approximately 60 per cent. Koskenkorva’s circular economy efforts awarded Altia with the Green Company of the Year 2018 award. We are also featured on the list of the most interesting companies in the circular economy in Finland complied by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra.