09.02.2017 - 10:53

Koskenkorva plant invests in growing its barley starch capacity

Altia has decided to expand the Koskenkorva plant’s starch production. The aim of the investment is to notably increase the production capacity of barley starch. The Koskenkorva plant is the only facility in the world that produces starch out of barley. Barley starch is used e.g. in paper and paperboard industries.

Altia has decided to expand the Koskenkorva plant’s starch production. The aim of the investment is to notably increase the production capacity of barley starch. In 2016, starch production was 58,000 tonnes. The aim of the equipment investments to be carried out in 2017 is to increase production significantly when compared to the current situation. Simultaneously, it means a demand of over 200 million kilos of Finnish barley as the Koskenkorva plant’s raw material.

The use of native starch has increased in the paper and paperboard industries, which has created more opportunities to Altia’s Koskenkorva plant. We can serve our clients in the paper and paperboard industries quickly and reliably directly from our plant. In connection with the investment, we will also expand our storage capacity, which will secure the reliability of our deliveries.

Barley starch is pure, unmodified native starch. It is used in the food industry, paper and paperboard industries and other technical solutions. A significant part of barley starch is used as a binding and coating agent in the manufacture of paper, paperboard and packaging materials. When used as a binding agent, starch improves the usability and quality of the end product. Natural, plant-based starch is a cost-effective alternative to non-renewable raw materials.

The Koskenkorva plant is the only facility in the world that produces starch out of barley.

The Koskenkorva production plant uses 100% Finnish barley grains:

  • Native starch is used in the food industry and the paper and paperboard industries

  • Grain spirit is distilled from the barley, which is then further processed at the Rajamäki plant

  • Technical ethanol is later used in liquids for geothermal pumps and the pharmaceutical industry

  • The carbon dioxide stored in the barley grains is collected and further used in growing tomatoes, for instance

  • The other ingredients, such as valuable plant proteins and fibre, are used as raw materials in the production of animal feed

  • The barley husk is burnt in the biopower plant operating in connection with the plant. Thanks to the biopower plant, Koskenkorva has reached an independence level of 56% in steam production and cut carbon dioxide emissions by 42%

  • The ash from the biopower plant is spread on the fields as fertilizer

Read more at: www.altiaindustrial.com

Koskenkorva plant invests in growing its barley starch capacity