Ilkka Sainio - career story
Ilkka Sainio - career story

"Versatility has been the most meaningful part of the job – the most fun part definitely my coworkers"

Ilkka Sainio, seasonal worker

Ilkka Sainio - career story image
Ilkka Sainio - career story image

Ilkka decided to apply for a summer job at Anora after high school, following in his parents' footsteps. Both of Ilkka's parents work at Anora's Rajamäki factory, and they were able to provide a good picture of the workplace. "Working at an alcoholic beverage plant also seemed like an exciting opportunity for a summer job," Ilkka says.

Ilkka was trained to work at the R6 production line de-palletizer and filling machine, where he worked for most of the summer. Especially operating the filling machine offered not only versatile tasks but also a relaxed and enjoyable work environment. Cooperation with colleagues has been smooth and the threshold for asking for help when faced with challenges has been low: "And if they haven't been able to answer my question, we've worked together to find a solution."

For Ilkka, the most meaningful part of the job has been its versatility and the possibility to work with machinery putting the skills he has learned to practice. Challenges are more difficult to pinpoint, as comprehensive instructions have been available for everything, colleagues offer advice when needed, and the orientation process was aided by a good teacher. "The most fun part of the job has definitely been all my coworkers and interacting with them."

"I consider it important that Anora is a workplace that constantly strives to develop", says Ilkka, and in his experience Anora has been a place where all suggestions for improvement are welcomed. Flexibility in work shift planning, a competitive salary and employee benefits are also good aspects of working at Anora. "Everyone is cared for and everyone is taken into account."

Working with machines has also been useful for Ilkka's future plans, as next he'll be starting his studies in mechanical engineering at Aalto University.