
Conversion of Anora shares

On this page you can find information about conversion of Anora shares from Norwegian VPS to Euroclear Finland.

Anora’s share were dual-listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange between 1 September and 30 December 2021. The share in Anora were delisted from the Oslo Stock Exchange as of 3 January 2022 and the last day of trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange was 30 December 2021.

Anora shares registered in the Norwegian Central Securities Depository VPS are not tradable until the shares have been converted to Euroclear Finland.

Conversion of shares

Anora’s shares can be converted from Norway to Finland i.e. between the Norwegian Central Securities Depository VPS in Norway and Euroclear Finland. Shareholders who wish to transfer a position between the two markets must contact their respective custodian in both Norway and Finland to deliver and receive the shares. Please note that it is the custodian (not the shareholder) who must instruct Nordea in Norway for the conversion. Custodians, you can contact Nordea in Norway at issuer.ops@nordea.com for conversions.

The Anora shares will continue to be admitted to trading on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd under the trading code ANORA (ISIN code: FI4000292438). Read more about the options available in the letter sent to shareholders: Letter in English | Brev på norsk

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