Flagging notifications
A shareholder of a listed company has an obligation to inform the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) and the listed company in question of the changes in its holding in the listed company's shares. A listed company is obliged to publish the flagging notification as a stock exchange release as soon as possible.
The objective of the regulations on the notification obligation is to ensure that investors have access to information on the ownership and power structures of a listed company and any changes therein.
The Securities Markets Act specifies the thresholds for submitting a notification of major shareholding. A notification must be made when the holding or proportion of voting rights reaches, exceeds or falls below 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50 or 90 percent, or two thirds, of the voting rights or number of shares of the company.
It is important to use the FIN-FSA's notification form which is available FIN-FSA's website.
Flagging notifications to Anora may be sent to: investor.relations[@]anora.com
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