Policies and certificates
On this page you'll find our policies, such as our Code of Conduct for suppliers, Anti-bribery and -corruption policy for suppliers and business partners and the food safety policy for our Rajamäki plant.
Anora Group Code of Conduct
Anora’s commitment to responsibility and integrity is reflected in the Group's code of conduct. Read more about the Group code of conduct here.
Anora's policy on responsible marketing
We are dedicated to conducting business reliably, fairly, and always following the respective laws and regulations. Our Responsible Marketing Policy supplements Anora’s Code of Conduct. Read the policy here.
Anora's policies on human rights
Anora's human rights commitment
Our new human rights commitment describe our approach to human rights in our value chain and our human rights due diligence process. Read the commitment here.
Anora's report on Norwegian transparency act 2024
Anora's report on Norwegian transparency act describes our human rights due diligence. It includes information on our human rights assessment and human rights commitment. Read the report here in English and Norwegian.
Anora's policies on procurement and responsible sourcing
Anora code of conduct for suppliers
We have created our own code of conduct for suppliers and subcontractors. Starting in 2017, the code of conduct has been made an integral part of contracts with suppliers. The code of conduct is primarily based on the same international agreements and principles as the amfori BSCI code of conduct. Download the policy here.
Anora procurement policy
Anora's procurement policy describes our procurement principles, including the responsibility on human rights and environment in the value chain. Read the policy here.
Anora responsible sourcing practices
We have gathered our main processes and principles regarding responsible sourcing in a one-pager. Please get acquainted with our sustainable sourcing here.
Anora anti-bribery and -corruption policy for suppliers and business partners
Download the policy here.
Anora’s quality, safety and environment policy
This policy is based on Anora’s Sustainability Roadmap, which sets out responsibility targets and is based on UN Sustainable Development Goals. Management and implementation of quality, safety and environmental values is part of our sustainability work and thus are the most paramount for Anora. We are committed to continuous improvement of our operations considering the following principle requirements.
In developing our operations and products, we pay attention to the wishes and needs of our stakeholders, consumers, especially our clients and partners. We produce added value by providing profitable, high-quality products and services while taking into consideration the safety and well-being of the environment and our employees.
We ensure the safety of our own products and products marketed by us, when used in moderation.
We aim to minimize our impact on environment and climate and strive for carbon-neutral production.
We strive to ensure human rights and good working conditions both in our own operations and in our supply chain.
We use first-class and high-grade raw materials in our production process, for example ground water and aim to decrease amount of wastewater.
We particularly invest in:
The effectiveness of our business processes
Reducing scrapping
Ensuring and continuously improving the safety and quality of raw materials and final products
Efficient use and recycling of energy, natural resources and materials
Preventing environmental degradation and reducing environmental impact
Developing packaging materials and solutions in accordance with the principle of sustainable development
Reducing sickness absences and accidents, preventive occupational health care as well as reporting close calls and developing operations based on them
Promoting the protection of biodiversity, e.g. implementing a forest management plan and supporting carbon-neutral farming
We comply with the laws, regulations and industry codes of the countries in which we operate.
The Executive Management Team, the management of each function as well as each employee within their sphere of influence is responsible for implementing these principles.
We promote these principles in our whole supply chain.
Download Anora's Quality Safety and Environment Policy in PDF format here.
Anora's safety policy
Ensuring safety following legal requirements and ensuring the quality of our operations are the pillars of our daily work that enable us to achieve our strategic goals. Read Anora's Safety Policy here.
Rajamäki plant food safety policy
Anora Rajamäki Beverage Plant believes that success depends on the supply of products, packages and services that meet the expectations of customer and consumers. We will ensure the food safety of all our products that are manufactured at Rajamäki plant. Read the policy here.
How we manage water at Anora
Water is one of the most precious resources we share and depend on globally. It is also one of our key ingredients at Anora and it forms the very heart of our products. That’s why we want to care for and conserve our common water resources, and to ensure clean and pure water also for the coming generations. Read how we manage and protect water here.