Anora - Governance hero image - close up of field
Anora - Governance hero image - close up of field


On these pages, you’ll find information about Anora’s Corporate Governance Principles, approved by Anora’s Board of Directors. The Board also adopts instructions and operating policies supplementing the Corporate Governance Principles, which provide a framework for Anora Group's effective management and steering in accordance with good corporate governance. The Board annually assesses that the Corporate Governance Principles are up-to date.

Annual General Meeting 2025

The Corporate Governance Principles supplement the Finnish Companies Act (624/2006, as amended), the Finnish Securities Markets Act (746/2012, as amended), the Finnish Accounting Act (1336/1997, as amended), the rules of Nasdaq Helsinki as well as Anora's Articles of Association. In addition, Anora complies with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code published by the Securities Market Association in 2020. Compliance with the Governance Code is based on a comply-or-explain principle, whereby deviations from the Governance Code shall be explained and disclosed. Anora does not deviate from any of the recommendations of the Governance Code.

The General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) are responsible for the management of Anora, and their duties are primarily determined in accordance with the Finnish Companies Act. The management and governance of Anora are also based on decisions made by the General Meeting of Shareholders and the company.

The Board ensures that Anora complies with the principles of good corporate governance.